Notes from the Nest

Sales Wars: Pam Didner Strikes Back

Written by Little Bird Marketing | March 28, 2019

"Great success breeds a lot of things, including sequels." 
-Dwayne Johnson 

Generally speaking, the law of diminishing returns comes into full effect when it comes to sequels. But there are always exceptions; Pam Didner is one of those. 

In a recent episode of the Little Bird Marketing podcast, Priscilla McKinney and Pam Didner rejoin forces to conquer the marketing world! This time around, Priscilla and Pam discuss authorship, public speaking, the dangers of marketing silos, and what marketers can do to better support their sales teams. 

"The differentiation between MQL and SQL is probably less than ever before, but that doesn't mean you cannot differentiate...There still is a way to differentiate MQL and SQL, but that definition needs to be agreed upon between sales and marketing and they need to work very closely together and define it in a way that is very action-driven."

Pam is the an experienced sales, marketing, and communication consultant; author of "Global Content Marketing" and "Effective Sales Enablement;" and a global marketing speaker.

Pam’s latest book is written for marketers to foster collaborative sales and marketing efforts. 

"As marketers supporting the sales team, we need to understand how the sales team works. As well as having knowledge of the sales organization's structure and different roles of sales team members, it's also essential for those in a marketing function to understand the team's sales processes and methodology." 

Pam is a seasoned keynote speaker and author with 20 years of experience in corporate marketing, sales, strategic planning, and operations. 

Find her at PamDidnerLinkedIn, or Twitter to read more of her wonderful marketing and sales insights. 

For more of Pam's expertise tune in to “Priscilla and Pam Didner II: The Wrath of Khan."

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