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    The Little Bird Marketing Blog Notes From the Nest

    2 min read

    Is Your Business Ready to S.O.A.R.?

    Feeling stuck? I think authenticity could be the answer. I truly believe in carving out your own authentic life. I didn't set out to be an entrepreneur, but I kept taking small, authentic steps that led me here. 

    Now, as the boss lady I get to use my funky blend of cultural anthropology, banking, market research and entrepreneurial experience to help other companies. I can see how some natural talent and my willingness to work hard brought me success.

    But at some point, I got stuck. What helped me get unstuck, and still helps me get unstuck is my commitment to systems and processes. 

    I talk to CEOs, Marketing Managers and Sales Directors everyday and what they have in common is that in some way they are stuck. They agree that talent and hard work only get you so far. To scale and have the confidence for the short-term and long-term goals of the businesses, a system must be in place. That system must be strategic, organized, accountable and ultimately, repeatable. From this perspective we created our proprietary content marketing system called SOAR, which is all of those things. 

    Click here to learn more about the SOAR System

    After watching my creative studio burn to the ground in 2011, I was "stuck" in a way I could never have imagined. The heart it took to rebrand, regroup and revive the dream is what I bring to each one of our clients today. I started my blog and shared my story. I focused our marketing efforts on clients anxious about increasing sales, expanding their digital reach, making sense of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and all that digital marketing entails. In the end, we built a comprehensive system that delivers sustainable lead generation.

    We start every engagement with straight talk about brand promise and specific goals, add a lot of elbow grease and work diligently until we have created something truly remarkable for our clients who become a part of our "flock."

    Are you ready to experience your brand outside of the cage? 

    Learn more about our SOAR System here.

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    Priscilla McKinney

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