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    The Little Bird Marketing Blog Notes From the Nest

    2 min read

    Does Size Really Matter?

    Posts greater than 1,500 words receive an average of 68.1% more tweets and 22.6% more Facebook likes than a post under 1,500 words.

     That seems counter intuitive. I hear everyday that people don’t want to read anymore. I think what is more often the truth is that people don’t want to be bored anymore. They are fed up with non-specific content with ambiguous trips compiled into poorly written paragraphs.

    Ask yourself, “Couldn’t the opposite be true?” What I mean by that is, “Couldn’t people be desperate to read long form content about truly relevant topic delivered with a well-conceived opinion?” I don’t know that it matters if people agree so much as they tend to reward writers who make them think.
    The problem may be that if “all the world is a stage” as Shakespeare wrote we are all suffering from the fact that social media has given a megaphone to the masses. In theory that is great, but when a musician steps up for the performance it is greatly appreciated when they tune their guitar first. It is a form of public service; one that pays back in listener loyalty.

    So I ask you, “How are you wielding your megaphone?”, “How well are you tuning your guitar?”, and “What content could you prolifically write about while still delighting your audience?”

    If you simply don't want to figure this out alone, give us a shout and we can walk you through a marketing evaluation and see if we are a fit.

      Request a Consultation

    At Little Bird Marketing we talk with business owners every day who know they are behind the eight ball on the social media front. They can intuit that epic content is more about talking with their clients and potential clients than talking AT them. In order to invest in epic content they feel they will have to reallocate budget they were spending on traditional advertising. This can be scary. We get that.

    We remind business owners that no matter how much budget is spent, people are still buying from people. The humanizing effect that customized content can have on building brands and building brand loyalty is enormous. Besides, as Seth Godin says, “Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.”

    What is your story? Now ask yourself if the size matters.‪

    #‎sethgodin‬ ‪#‎mypointandIdohaveone‬ ‪#‎sizematters‬ ‪#‎marketingstatistics‬


    Priscilla McKinney

    Priscilla McKinney, CEO of Little Bird Marketing, is a popular keynote speaker, prolific blogger, podcast host, industry innovator and diversity champion. Her two podcasts are Ponderings from the Perch and Digital Transformation Success. Best known for making waves in the digital marketing industry, Priscilla has been featured on numerous podcasts, is the President of American Advertising Federation Heartland and has received numerous design, entrepreneurship and industry awards. Along with her expert team, she developed the SOAR System – a proprietary process designed to create sustainable lead generation for busy leaders so they can have confidence in the growth of their company without losing focus on their other responsibilities. Priscilla personifies creativity, entrepreneurship and authentic leadership – inspiring others to truly carve out their own path of success in her uniquely funny, no-nonsense and slightly irreverent way. Oh, and don’t give her caffeine. She doesn’t need it.

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