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    The Little Bird Marketing Blog Notes From the Nest

    3 min read

    Is LinkedIn the Best Social Platform for Lead Generation?

    As I teach LinkedIn seminars I am often asked some of the same questions. I am commonly asked, "Is LinkedIn the best social platform for lead generation?" Industry statistics reveal that it DOES outrank other social media channels. To be specific, other social media platforms that delivered traffic to websites resulted in .98% lead conversion. LinkedIn, on the other hand, compares with an average of 2.74%.

    So why might LinkedIn be the most efficient social channel for lead generation, and how can you use that to your advantage?

    If you want to stop reading and simply want my top tips for LinkedIn success just click this link and get to the tangibles right here for free.

    But if you're interested in why, here are my two simple reasons for LinkedIn being more effective for conversion:

    1. People who are actively engaged on LinkedIn are actively engaged in their career and their industry. When you target someone on this platform the are more likely to be in a business-focused mindset. Delivering a free e-book, white paper or valuable download builds rapport and establishes you and your company as experts in your field and shows you're mindful of their business concerns.

    2. The simple fact that less content is actually posted to LinkedIn than other social media outlets makes it easier to compete for potential clients' attention. This lack of mindless "chatter" means that your efforts are more likely to be noticed within groups and feeds.

    There is so much to know about using LinkedIn properly, but definitely don't leave it out of your sales and inbound marketing strategy. My two rules for posting online are:

    1. Be authentic

    2. Don't be boring

    Beyond that, it takes time and patience to develop real skill to consistently increase your conversions via LinkedIn. But you have to practice, so get out there and get started. Join a group, share some posts, do some social listening and don't be afraid to learn more about LinkedIn's InMail and see your efforts magnify. Listen in for great LinkedIn tips on this podcast episode and let us know what you want to hear more about!

    Priscilla_McKinney.pngThis post was written Priscilla McKinney, Momma Bird at Little Bird Marketing. As a full service agency, we provide full branding overhauls, website development, and extensive digital strategy including inbound marketing packages. Hear more from this Momma Bird in her podcast, Ponderings from the Perch or follow her on Twitter @LittleBirdMktg

    Wanna work with the peeps? Hit us up for a free marketing assessment

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    icon_top_5_tips_for_linkedin_success.jpgIf you still have questions about LinkedIn, we have a handy resource for you! Check out Priscilla's Top 5 Tips for LinkedIn Success! 



    Priscilla McKinney

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