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    The Little Bird Marketing Blog Notes From the Nest

    1 min read

    The End of the Attention Span

    We concept, storyboard, and produce a lot of promotional videos with a wide range of purposes. No matter what the client’s desired outcome, the top question I am asked is “How long should a promotional video run?” Most clients ask me questions like this because they believe there are marketing-driven standards I refer to as best practices. It is true I could spend a lot of time researching the ideal amount of time people are “apt” to watch a video from start to finish. However, I am reminded of the great and powerful Seinfeld’s wise words, “There is no such thing as an attention span. There is only the quality of what you are viewing.” As a successful marketer we must keep our focus on telling a compelling story and not simply filling time. People will watch what they find meaningful. Whether you choose an agency to create your video or make one yourself, do your brand a favor and only make a video when you have a compelling story to tell. That seems to me to be the best practice of all. 

    What is at the core of your brand’s compelling story?

    Want to talk about your next project and how you can keep the attention of your ideal audience? 

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