Notes from the Nest

Priscilla and Nicholas Holland Discuss the Future of Content Marketing

Written by Little Bird Marketing | August 23, 2019

How can you be innovative and make sure sales and marketing work together? The answer is content marketing, and HubSpot - a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution for inbound marketing - is taking it to a whole new level. 

In this episode of Ponderings from the Perch, Priscilla and Nicholas Holland, GM/VP of Product at HubSpot discuss the power of content marketing, the access businesses have to helpful content marketing tools, and the overall direction of the marketplace, including the inbound approach.

“It’s never been easier to get started. There’s never been a time in all of business where there’s more things at your fingertips to help you be successful. But on the flip side, it’s also never been harder to scale, because competition is so fierce.” – Nicholas Holland

Nicholas believes that good, helpful marketing is a quality-over-quantity endeavor, and that paid advertisements can be integrated in such a way that they are also compelling content.

For more insights into the future of content marketing listen to "Priscilla and Nicholas Holland Talk Hubspot."

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